Why Buttons?
Why Buttons?
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Location: Palo Alto, CA
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What began as a simple challenge to accessorize my girls and have something to do on craft nights quickly consumed me. With their ears not yet pierced, we have limited options for flair. So, as I set out to make barrettes, my amazing friend, Sarah, said, “Maybe buttons would be cute on them.” And they were. Then I tried a barrette in my own hair, to see how well it gripped the hair. Of course, when I inevitably looked in the mirror, the barrette just happened to effortlessly complete my outfit.
Sure, at first a couple of ribbons and a few buttons satisfied me, but then I needed just one more ribbon. Just one more button. Always looking for the next one of a kind decoration to create the next one of a kind hair accessory.
Oh, but it doesn’t stop there. On one of my button hunts, I came across a pair of sterling silver hoops. I love hoops - any shape, size, color. No makeup, mom wear, dull hair. Add hoops to the picture, and you are instantly pulled together. Hoop magic.
So, what did I do? Well, I decided to put two of my favorite things together. Hoops plus buttons equals perfection.
And on and on it goes. I call it Button Art.